
Initial Platform Set Up

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September 24, 2020

To create a campaign, click on the “Campaigns” tab, then click on “Create Campaign” on the top right of the screen.

On the next page, name your campaign by clicking on the “Name” field and add the URL path. Click on the “Check mark” icon to save.

If you want your campaign to appear in your home page, select the “Add campaign to storefront homepage” box, or just add the tag “storefront” on the “Tags” field.

Next, click on the “Designer” button on the top right of the screen.

On the following page, select where your design will be printed – either front, back or both. Then, click on “Add a product to start designing.”

A new window will pop up where you’ll see all the products categories. Once you’ve selected the one you want, scroll down and click on “Next.”

Now, select the products you’d like to include in your campaign. You can select as many as you want. To deselect them, just click on the product again. Scroll down and click on “Add.”

After you click “Add”, you will be automatically redirected back to the “Designer” page. You will see all of the products you selected on the right side of your screen.

Now, it’s time to add your design. Scroll down and click on “Upload your original or legally purchased image.” Select the file from your computer and click on “Open.”

Your design is now uploaded.. Click on the image to position it where you want it to be printed. To adjust the size, click on the arrows icon and resize as needed. If you want to remove it or add a different design to start over, click on “Remove.”

Next, let’s select the colors of your products by clicking on “Pick colors.” Select the ones that go better with your design. You need to repeat this step with each product you added.

Now, add the price to each product. The Profit per Unit will appear below the price. If you want to add more products, just click on the “Add products” button.

You’re almost done! Scroll up and click on “Activate” to make your campaign go live. Now click on the “Save and Exit” button.

Your campaign is active now! To see it on your store, click on the link next to the campaign name.

Now you can let your customers know all about your new design.

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