September 25, 2018

Brands that rely heavily on Facebook to acquire customers experience an emotional roller coaster every time the social network updates its algorithm. This is because the updates typically result in less reach and require more ad spend to maintain visibility.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you should remove your brand’s presence from Facebook, especially if that’s where your target audience resides. Also, Facebook pages remain an easy way for general audiences to find more information on your business, review how others may feel about your brand, and serve as your medium to distribute information to the the public.

It does mean you should fully explore the power of every Facebook feature before allocating more budget to ads. Here are 10 easy ways to boost your brand’s Facebook page.

1. Test the call-to-action (CTA) button on your page header.

Split-test to see which CTA results in the best engagement rate. Facebook offers ten options including “Watch Video,” “Shop Now,” and “Contact Us.”

Try the options that work best for your brand. Also, you’re able to edit the way customers reach you based on each CTA

  • If need to boost traffic your store, test the “Shop Now” first button with a link to your storefront.
  • If need to inform people about your business, products, or services, try the “Contact Us,” “Learn More,” or “Send Message” CTAs.
  • If you’d like to offer direct communication, the “Call Now” button or “Send Email” option may make the most sense..

2. Add videos and create playlists.

Videos uploaded directly to Facebook can be put into playlists. This is a great place to show off how-to tutorials, product features, DIY tips, and more – all while increasing the likelihood you show up in a newsfeed (Facebook seems to favor videos uploaded directly to Facebook and not YouTube).

3. Share behind-the-scenes (BTS) photos.

BTS photos give a face and character to your business, which helps consumers more easily trust and identify with you. Here are 4 types of BTS content you should consider:

  • Team-Building
    Your audience will be thrilled to know that your team works well together because synergy in work relationships translates to synergy in the work you produce.
  • Progress
    Share your wins, whether it be new offices, hires, awards, certificates, or something completely unique to your team. Showing these progress snapshots will inspire and motivate your audience, and demonstrate that your business is going places.
  • Funny
    Humor humanizes your brand when audiences can relate. According to BuzzSumo, funny content ranked in the top three types of posts that elicited an emotional connection with viewers.
  • Causes
    Are there causes that your team cares about? Show off how you guys are actively fighting for things you believe in. Consumers want brands with conviction and passion for what they do.

4. Offer exclusive deals and discounts.

Give fans plenty of reasons to return to your brand’s Facebook page by offering special promotions. Create an image with a discount code (e.g. “Get $5 off until 9/30 with this exclusive coupon!”), and link directly to your promo landing page or campaign.

Creating a limited-time promotion encourages page followers to act fast or miss out. However, use this tactic sparingly or consumers will learn to wait for your discounts instead of paying full price.

5. Host a contest.

Try posting a funny photo and running a caption contest to keep fans engaged. Contests can also help you reach users currently not subscribed to your brand.

Use a third party app (e.g. Wishpond) to host a social contest directly on your page. This enables you to collect valuable contact information for re-marketing.

6. Engage other Facebook pages.

Interact as your page with other business pages, and “like” your connections’ pages.
Liked or tagged pages will often return the favor, and mention or like your page in
return. This will open up the possibilities for co-authored posts or other types of cross-promotions and partnerships.

7. Pin an important post.

Facebook allows you to “pin” a post and keep it at the top of your page. This can help you maximize exposure for a specific campaign or promotion by ensuring it’s the first post your visitors see.

Use this tactic alongside your contest to generate more leads. Even if a visitor has yet to like your page, they can still learn about and enter the contest, creating an opportunity to remarket to them at a later time.

8. Add any other social media pages.

If your brand has a presence on other social channels such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, connecting them to your page can give potential customers and fans a big picture of your company’s culture and brand.

It’s also an easy means of encouraging fans to engage on your other accounts as well.

9. Test posting time and content.

Every resource or guide you find online will give you a different time or day to post. However, realize that your business and market are different and therefore your best times to post may be completely different.

Spend time considering your specific target market. When are they active on Facebook? What does their schedule look like? Use these answers to influence your posting strategy.

Start strategically split-testing to see which posts boost engagement. You can kick things off with a simple schedule and post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at a specific time with a specific type of content. After 4 weeks, switch one weekday out with another (e.g. Tuesday instead of Monday) and see what performs better.

10. Facebook Live

Newer Facebook features usually benefit from an extra boost on newsfeeds and Facebook Live is no different. This means, paid ads aside, Facebook Live gives you a better chance to reach your fans.

Not sure what to use Facebook Live for? Try one of these:

  • Host an AMA or Q&A session
  • Livestream an event
  • Unbox your next product


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